Oenological tannins – Tanyl range

Oenological tannins Tanyl : a complete solution for winemakers

Quercyl offers a complete range of ellagic, gallic or proanthocyanidic oenological tannins in accordance with the oenological codex. They are specifically formulated for use on white, rosé, red, still or sparkling wines.

For their development, we select the best botanical sources, Quercus Robur, Quercus Alba, Vitis Vinifera L…

The TANYL range allows you to take actions in a controlled and optimal way at each phase of wine production : on musts, during vinification or during ageing.

Tanins œnologiques pour vins rouges, rosés et blancs

The active ingredients naturally present on our oenological tannins, will trigger chemical, biological and organoleptic reactions, which allow winemakers to work, in a controlled way on : color, taste, and structure.

Create an environment rich in ellagic tannins in used barrels, similar to that of new barrels.

Facilitate the gustatory development of wines. Bring freshness, roundness and aromatic complexity.
Natural aid for clarification and color stabilization
Improve the tannic structure and contributes to balance in wines.
Protect wines against oxidative phenomena.
Eliminate reductive odours.
Our oenological tannins
Extrait chêne américain, tanin de chêne, oak extract
Tanyl A

Condensed tannin extracted from black acacia, intended for white, rosé and red wines.

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Tanyl C

Ellagic tannin extracted from chestnut, intended for aging white, rosé and red wines.

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Tanin de noix de galle, gallnut tannin
Tanyl G

Gallic tannin extracted from gall nut, intended for the aging of white, rosé and red wines.

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Tanyl M

Specific blend of ellagic tannins intended for the aging of white and red wines. Recommended for fine, quality wines.

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Extrait chêne américain, tanin de chêne, oak extract
Tanyl ME

Condensed tannin extracted from cherry wood intended for the aging of white, rosé and red wines.

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Tanyl N

Ellagic tannin for oenological use, intended for the aging of white and red wines.

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Tanin proanthocyanidique, proanthocyanidic tannins
Tanyl R

Proanthocyanidin tannin from grape seed (Vitis Vinifera L.), intended for the aging of white, rosé and red wines.

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Tanyl SL

Ellagic tannin from French oak hearthwood, intended for white, rosé and red wines aging.

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Tanin de thé vert, green tea tannin
Tanyl T

Condensed tannin extracted from green tea leaves, intended for aging white, rosé and red wines.

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Extrait chêne américain, tanin de chêne, oak extract
Tanyl TA

Gallic tannin extracted from the tara fruit, intended for the aging of white, rosé and red wines.

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